International Culture, sciences et société Sciences et recherche
ITI HiFunMat Summer School « Functional and Hierarchical materials for energy and sustainable development » aura lieu du lundi 11 au mercredi 13 juillet à 9h au Collège doctoral européen.
Securing the world’s energy supply sustainably is one of the greatest challenges of our generation. Our resources are running out, our energy consumption is increasing dramatically and the climate is changing. Research in energy-related fields is, therefore, a priority for the scientific community. To prepare the next generation of scientists to take on these challenges, the HiFunMat summer school offers a detailed overview of the most relevant energy-related areas with a focus on sustainable development. The scientific courses will address knowledge from physics, chemistry, physical chemistry, material science, and biology. The program of summer school combines a multidisciplinary scientific program with pedagogical team-building activities to foster networking and collaboration.
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