Journée thématique et séminaire sur les éoliennes

Sciences et recherche 

Date de début : 08/12/23  11h00 Date de fin : 08/12/23  15h00
Lieu :  Amphithéâtre Weiss - Faculté de physique et ingénierie - 3,5 rue de l'Univerisité - Strasbourg
Organisateur :   Master PAIP parcours Mécatronique et Energie, Faculté P&I

Un séminaire intitulé « Offshore wind energy turbine, technical challenges and means for LCOE (Levelized Cost Of Energy)  reduction Amadou Tinni, PhD EDF R&D, Saclay » aura lieu vendredi 8 décembre à 11h à la Faculté de physique et ingénierie de l'Université de Strasbourg.

Programme :

  • 11h10-11h50 :Carrières dans la mécatronique/energie à l'exemple de EDF en français
  • 13h45- 15h00 :  Séminaire technique sur les Eoliennes  (+ aspects économiques) en anglais


Amadou TINNI, PhD, is currently working at the research and development division of EDF as a work package leader in wind energy turbine. He received his PhD degree in electrical engineering in 2020 at University of Lorraine. He also holds a master's degree in mechatronics and energy from University of Strasbourg. His areas of expertise cover electric motors used in nuclear power plants, wind turbines and industry in general. At EDF R&D, in addition to his activities on the electromechanical drive train conversion for wind turbines, he is also working on the development of innovative solutions for the energy efficiency of electric motors used in industry.


Energy is one of the central and foremost grand challenges facing our society today. To achieve carbon neutrality, all scenarios call for a significant share of renewable energies, including wind energy. While some onshore wind farms are nearing the end of their life cycle which arises the question of repowering, we have on the other hand offshore wind power, that has been emerging for the past decade, offering more regular and stable winds far from the shore, with negligible visual impact. However, offshore wind energy is facing high COE (Cost Of Energy) which is the main driver for new developments in technology and design. Therefore, reducing the COE goes through the upscaling of wind turbine with 15MW to 20 MW, with rotor diameter above 250m which translate into numerous technical challenges. In this seminar, we will attempt to take stock of these technical challenges from a research and development point of view.

Contact : Dominique KNITTEL
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