Conférence - « How did pioneer plants transition from water to land 500 million years ago ? »

Culture, sciences et société 

Date de début : 30/01/24  17h30 Date de fin : 30/01/24  18h30
Lieu :  Maison Universitaire France-Japon - 42a, Avenue de la Forêt Noire - 6700 Strasbourg
Organisateur :  Maison Universitaire France-Japon, en collaboration avec The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Une conférence intitulée « How did pioneer plants transition from water to land 500 million years ago ? » aura lieu mardi 30 janvier à 17h30 à la Maison France Japon.

Invité : Dr Kanade Tatsumi, Institut de biologie moléculaires des plantes (IBMP) CNRS-Université de Strasbourg

Inscription obligatoire ici
Conférence tout public, en anglais

Land colonization by plants 5 million years ago was one of the most important evolutionary events for terraformation. Through photosynthetic activity, early land plants critically contributed to the rise of atmospheric oxygen, CO2 decrease, and the development of soils. Plant settlements on land, therefore, paved the way for the development of complex terrestrial ecosystems and the emergence of new life forms. As Pioneer plants from water were exposed to new challenges, including UV radiations, drought, lack of buoyancy, and fluctuating temperatures on land,  they acquired new metabolites to adapt to the land environment. We are studying how plants evolved from water to land, focusing on apoplastic barriers, which are the critical acquisition of land plants.


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