Séminaire IPCMS: « A critical introduction to quantum computing: distinguishing the real from the feasable and the feasable from the myth »

Sciences et recherche 

Date de début : 19/04/24  15h00 Date de fin : 19/04/24  16h00
Lieu :  Auditorium de l'IPCMS - (bât.69) - 23 rue du Loess - Campus de Cronenbourg

Un séminaire intitulé « A critical introduction to quantum computing: distinguishing the real from the feasable and the feasable from the myth » aura lieu vendredi 19 avril à 15h à l'IPCMS sur le campus de Cronenbourg. Il sera présenté par Xavier WaintalL  (CEA Grenoble)

Résumé :

In the last three decades, our ability to build and control quantum states has improved dramatically and could become the basis of a new form of numerical calculation. While these machines are still in their infancy  (no existing quantum computer can multiply 5 by 3), the hope is that for a very specific class of problem, they could be exponentially faster than their classical counterpart. In this talk, I will give an introduction to quantum computing from the point of view of a physicist (and a skeptic). In particular I will emphasize how the main quantum computing ressource, entanglement, is also its biggest problem, decoherence. If time allows, I will show how a recent class of  “quantum inspired” algorithms, that run on perfectly classical computers, might very well deliver some of the promises of quantum computers but on existing hardware.


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